Canine cough (also known as kennel cough)
Unfortunately we have had a few suspected cases of canine cough come through our kennels recently. It is important to note that this may be prevalent in the community and while vaccinations help to cover the most common strains, it is like the flu and your dogs may experience some mild symptoms.
Canine cough can be acquired anywhere that other dogs frequent including the park, on your local walk, boarding kennels, grooming facilities, vet clinic, pet stores etc. It is a mild viral infection that in most cases will self-resolve within 5-10 days. Symptoms can include a dry hacking cough, sneezing or runny nose.
What should I do? If you notice your dog is showing any symptoms, please do not board them in the kennels, visit dog parks, groomers etc. This will only transfer the infection to other dogs. Keep your dog at home to help stop the spread.
While for most healthy, vaccinated dogs the infection will resolve itself, however if you are concerned that your dog seems unwell, please consult your veterinarian.
For more information please read the following PDF from the Pet Industry Association Australia Canine Cough.