
Please fill in the form as much as you can. Fields with "red paw" are required.

Your Details:

Please select a title.

A first name is required.

A last name is required.

An email is required.
Invalid format.

A contact number is required.

Date and Time required:
Arrival Date and Time:
Leaving Date and Time:

Pet Taxi:
We can arrange your pets to be picked up or dropped off with our taxi service:
Pick-up and Drop-off Prices are:
$30.00 Griffith/Yoogali/Hanwood/Widgelli
$35.00 Airport/Lake Wyangan/Beelbangera/Tharbogang
$40.00 Yenda

Pet details:

A pet name is required.

Please select an animal.

A breed is required.

Please select a sex.

An age is required.

Please select if desexed.

By Clicking Submit you agree:

To check your pet in and out during our opening hours
Your pet is currently vaccinated or will be at least 2 weeks prior to your booking (C5 for dogs and F3 for cats)


© Copyright Griffith Pet Resort

Terms and Conditions